# Cease Fire Now! Free Palestine! [](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker) ![[Palestine Flag.png]] فلسطين الحرة # Home ![[hello_there.gif]] Welcome to version 2.0 of my website. There isn't currently a way for me to highlight recently made or updated content yet so be sure to come back every now and then. This website is running off of my favorite program [[Obsidian.md]] using their paid feature Obsidian Publish. Mann Made will function as my public [[Zettelkasten Method|Zettelkasten]] knowledge bank where I will give my thoughts and opinions on basically whatever I am hyperfocusing on at the time as well as where I will post about my many little projects, achievements, and adventures. If you want to get to know me then this is where you look, but if you want to see what else I get up to on the internet go to my [[About me|about me]] page.